
Selected Bibliography

More bibliography will be added in due course as we get closer to the upcoming workshop.

Ammerman, A. J.  2010.   The first Argonauts:  towards the study of the earliest seafaring in the Mediterranean.  In Global Origins and Development of Seafaring, A. Anderson, J. Barrett, and K. Boyle (eds.).  Cambridge:  McDonald Institute, 81-92.

Ammerman, A. J.  2011.  The paradox of early voyaging in the Mediterranean and the slowness of the Neolithic transition between Cyprus and Italy.  In Seascapes in Aegean Prehistory, G. Vavouranakis (ed.).  Athens:  Danish Institute of Athens, 11-29.

Ammerman, A. J., P. Flourentzos, C. McCartney, J. Noller  and D. Sorabji.  2006.  Two new early sites on Cyprus.  Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 1-22.

Ammerman, A. J., P. Flourentzos, R. Gabrielli,  P. McCartney, J. Noller, D. Peloso and D. Sorabji.  2007.  More on the new early sites on Cyprus.  Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 1-26.

Ammerman, A. J., P. Flourentzos, R. Gabrielli, T. Higham, C. McCartney and T. Turnbull.  2008.  Third report on early sites on Cyprus.  Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 1-32.

Ammerman, A. J., P. Flourentzos, B. Sellek and K. Thomas.  2010 (in press).  Fourth report:  Excavations at Nissi Beach.  Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus.

Ammerman, A. J., D. Howitt Marshall, J. Benjamin and T. Turnbull.  2011.  Underwater investiations at the Early Sites of Apros and Nissi Beach on Cyprus.  In Submerged Prehistory, J. Benjamin, C. Bonsall, C. Pichard and A. Fischer (eds.), Oxford:  Oxbow Books, 263-271.

Ammerman, A. J. and J. S. Noller.  2005.  New light on Aetomkremnos.  World Archaeology 37:  533-543.

Anderson, A., J. H. Barrett and K. V. Boyle (eds.).  2010.  The Global Origins and Development of Seafaring.  Cambridge.  McDonald Institute Monographs.

Bar-Yosef, O.  2001.  The world around Cyprus:  from Epi-paleolithic foragers to the collapse of the PPNB civilization.  In The earliest prehistory of Cyprus:  from colonization to exploitation, S. Swiny (ed.), Boston:  ASOR, 129-151.

Benjamin, J., C. Bonsall, C. Pickard and A. Fischer (eds.).  2011.  Submerged Prehistory.  Oxford:  Oxbow.

Broodbank, C.  2000.  An Island Archaeology of the Early Cyclades.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press.

Broodbank, C.  2006.  The origins and early development of Mediterranean maritime activity.   Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 19 (2), 199-230.

Cherry, J. F.  1981.  Pattern and process in the eariest colonization of the Mediterranean islands.  Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 47:  41-68.

Cherry, J. F.  1990.  The first colonization of the Mediterranean islands:  a review of recent research.  Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 3, 145-221.

Cherry, J. F. (ed.).  1995.  Colonization of Islands.  A volume of World Archaeology 26.

Efstratiou, N., A. J. Ammerman, P. Biagi, P. Karkanas and G. Syrides.  In prepartion.  An Epi-palaeolithic site on Lemnos in the Aegean Sea.  Antiquity.

Erdogu, F.  2011.  A preliminary report from the 2009 and 2020 field seasons at Ugurlu on the island of Gokceada.  Anatolica 37, 45-56.

Evans, J. D.  1973.  Islands as laboratories for the study of cultural process.  In Explanation of culture change, C. Renfrew (ed.), London: Duckworth, 517-520.

Evans, J. D.  1977.  Island archaeology in the Mediterranean:  problems and opportunities.  World Archaeology 9:  12-26.

Guilaine, J.  2003.  De la vague à la tombe.  Paris:  Seuil.

Guilaine, J., F. Briois and J. D. Vigne (eds.).  2011.  Shillourokambos:  un établisssement néolithique pré-céramique à Chypre:  les fouilles du secteur 1.  Paris:  Errance-École Française d’Athénes.

Kaczanowska, M., and J. K. Kozlowski.  2008.  The chipped stone artifacts.  In The cave of the Cyclops.  A. Sampson ed.  Pp. 169-178.  Philadelphia:  INSTAP Academic Press.

Kaczanowska, M. and Kozlowski, J. K.  2011. Lithic industry from the aceramic levels at Knossos (Crete, Greece): An alternative approach. Eurasian Prehistory 8(1-2), 67-87.

Knapp, A. B.  2010.  Cyprus’s earliest prehistory:  seafarers, foragers and settlers.  Journal of World Prehistory 23, 79-120.

Kozlowski, J. K., and M. Kaczanowska.  2004.  Gravettian/Epigravettian sequences in the Balkans and Anatolia.  Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 4 (1): 5-18.

Lambeck, K.  1996.  Sea level change and shore-line evolution in Aegean Greece since Upper Palaeolithic time.  Antiquity 70:  588-611.

Lambeck, K., F., Antonioli, A. Prucell and S. Silenzi.  2004.  Sea-level change along the Italian coast for the past 10,000 years.  Quaternary Science Reviews 23: 1567-98.

Manning, S. W., C. McCartney, B. Kromer, and S. T. Stewart.  2010.  The earlier Neolithic in Cyprus:  recognition and dating of a Pre-Pottery Neolithic A occupation.  Antiquity 84: 639-706.

McArthur, R. H. and E. O. Wilson.  1967.  The Theory of Island Biogeography.  Princeton:  Princeton University Press.

McGrail, S. 2002. Boats of the World: From the Stone Age to Medieval Times. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Patton, M.  1996.  Islands in Time:  Island Sociogeography and Mediterranean Prehistory.  London:  Routledge.

Peltenburg. E., and A. Wasse, eds.  2004.  The Neolithic revolution.  New perspectives on southwest Asia in light of recent discoveries on Cyprus.  Oxford:  Oxbow.

Peltier, W. R.  2002.  On eustatic sea level history:  last glacial maximum to Holocene.  Quaternary Science Reviews 21:  377-397.

Perlès, C.  1979.  Des navigateurs méditerranéens, il y a 10.000 ans.  La Recherche 96: 82-83.

Pirazzoli, P. A.  2005.  A review of possible eurstatic, isostatic and tectonic contributions in eight late-Holocene relative sea-level histories from the Mediterranean area.  Quaternary Science Reviews 24, 1989-2001.

Rasmussen, S. O. et al.  2006.  A new Greenland ice core chronology for the last glacial termination.  Journal of Geophysical Research 11:  20.1029/2005 JD006079.

Rosen, A. M. 2007.  Civilizing Climate.  Social Response to Climate Change in the Ancient Near East.  Lanham (MD):  Alta Mira.

Sampson, A. (ed.).  2008.  The Cave of the Cyclops.  Philadelphia:  INSTAP Academic Press, vol. 1.

Sampson, A., J. K. Kozlowski, M. Kacnanowska, and B Giannouli.  2002.  The Mesolithic settlement at Maroulas, Kythnos.  Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 2 (1):  45-67.

Sampson, A., M. Kaczanowska and J. K. Kozlowski.  2010.  The Prehistory of the Island of Kythnos (Cyclades, Grecce) and the Mesolithic Settlement at Maroulas.  Krakow:  The Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Simmons, A. H.  1999.  Faunal Extinction in an Island Society:  Pygmy Hippopotamus Hunters of Cyprus.  New York:  Kluwer Academic.

Strasser, T. F. et al.  2010.  Stone age seafaring in the Mediterranean:  evidence from the Plakias region for Lower Palaeolithic and Mesolithic habitation of Crete.  Hesperia 79, 145-190.

Tichy, R.  1999. Monoxylon II.  Plavba po 8000 letech.  Hronov.

Tzalas, H.  1995.  On the obsidian trail:  with a papyrus craft in the Cyclades.  Tropis 3: 441-469.

Vigne, J. D.  2009.  Introduction et réintroduction de mammifères à Chypre aux IX et VIII millénaires av. J.-C. (Néolithique précéramique):  indices indirects de l’usage de la voile au Néolithique?  In De Mediterranee et d’ailleurs.  Pp. 807-820.  Toulouse.

Vigne, J. D., and T. Cucchi.  2005.  Premières navigations au Proche-Orient:  les information indirectes de Chypre.  Paléorient 31 (1): 186-194.

Vigne, J. D. et al.  2009.  Pre-Neolithic wild boar management and introduction to Cyprus more than 11,400 years ago.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 196: 16135-8.

Vigne, J. D., I. Carrère, F. Briois and J. Guilaine.  2011.  The early process of mammal domestication in the Near East.  Current Anthropology 27 (supplement 4):  255-271.

Vigne, J. D., Briois, F., Zazzo, A., Willcox, G., Cucchi, T., Thiébault, S., Carrère, I., Franel, Y., Touquet, R., Martin, C., Moreau, C., Comby, C. and Guilaine, J. 2012. First wave of cultivators spread to Cyprus at least 10,600 y ago. PNAS 109(22), 8445-8449.

Watkins, T.  2008.  Supra-regional networks in the Neolithic of south-west Asia.  Journal of World Prehistory 21: 139-171.



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